Caregiving Support Classes
Dealing with stress is a major issue for caregivers. Our classes can help.
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Caregiving Support Classes
Partner Network
We partner with state and national organizations, like AARP, to provide the resources and information you need.
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Partner Network
Case Management
Work one-on-one with a CAREgivers’ Case Manager to create an individualized plan.
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Case Management

CAREgivers: A network of support.

You’re not alone. Over 1/3 of Americans will at some point become a family caregiver. Taking care of a loved one can be a challenge – financially, emotionally and physically. CAREgivers by Active Generations is a statewide organization. We provide assistance, education and support for family caregivers. No matter where you live, our network of free resources and information will help you provide the best care for your loved one and yourself.

Where do I start?

Taking on the care of a loved one comes with questions, stress, grief and many times even feelings of guilt.

We are here to help guide you to resources for help - specifically for you and your unique situation.

Take our short assessment

Upcoming Events Full Calendar

Frontotemporal Degeneration (FTD) support group @ Prairie West Branch Library
Jul 29 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Come and learn about caring for a loved one diagnosed with FTD.  Find resources.  Connect with people who understand.

Caregiver Support Group – Spearfish @ Hickory House
Jul 30 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Memory Care Support Group at Active Generations East @ see comment section for details
Aug 1 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Who is welcome: Anyone caregiving for an individual who has Alzheimer’s, memory decline, related dementia illness – care receiver does not have to be living with caregiver, can be in a facility or a different home

Location: First Thursday of the month – AG East (5500 E Active Gen Place) or via Zoom (Contact Becca for link)

What to expect: A safe confidential space, a non-judgmental space to air concerns, thoughts and feeling with others who understand your circumstances, occasional professional speakers

Benefits of a support group: Less isolation and loneliness, possibilities of reducing depression, stress, anxiety, improve coping and self-care skills to deal with challenges, help to stay motivated and energized as a caregiver, education on disease, facilitator support and compassion.