Client Stories

“I guess I didn’t realize how much ‘being’ and not ’doing’ was involved in caregiving.  Slowing down to a loved one’s pace takes a lot of effort.  This class (Savvy) helped me to better put myself in my husband’s place and to realize that his likes and requirements are much different than they used to be.” E. S., caregiver to husband with Huntington’s.

“I felt so comfortable and cared for from the first day of class.  Thank you so much!” C.A., caregiver to husband with dementia.

Case Management

“The Caregiver Case Management program at Active Generations is amazing. I couldn't have had my husband home as long as he was without the services. My husband and I both benefited from the Caregiving Classes, and it was helpful to him and to me. I had phone conversations and one-on-one meetings that alleviated a lot of stress as well as the group classes. My husband died in March 2021 and then I attended the Grief Support Group online, in person one-on-one and in groups which helped tremendously. Active Generations has employed awesome Case Management employees and I highly commend retired Deb Beringer, current staff; Carmen Spurling and Becca Pound. They have all been knowledgeable, compassionate, and innovative. Thank you, a million times, over for the tremendous Case Management Program.”
- Caregiver
“This is an excellent program, and I am so lucky to have access to it.”
- Caregiver


“This is a much-needed service for a caregiver's educational needs, understanding and even mental health for being a caregiver.”
- Caregiver
“I was lost before I took classes, conferences, support group, continuing classes, etc. Excellent support and it was needed. Big THANKS!”
- Caregiver
“Greatly appreciate all you do with a fun and uplifting spirit. The Caregivers Program has helped me in so many ways!”
- Caregiver

Stress Busting

“We've just begun our journey with caregiving for my mother. These services have been tremendously helpful. We were totally lost in regard to resources and support groups. Great program!! Thank you.”
- Caregiver
“Becca Pound and this program have provided helpful support for my long-distance caregiving situation. My parents continue to decline, and their needs vary at intervals, so my contact with this program has also been at intervals. I will be in contact again soon, as the caregiver stress is increasing again. I'm very grateful for this program!”
- Caregiver